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  • Year in Bees, Green Gifting + Superbee Giveaways

Year in Bees, Green Gifting + Superbee Giveaways

Issue #1 | 12-14-2023

Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Hive, Superbee's dedicated newsletter to all things sustainability and our buzzing friends - the bees! In this first issue, we are thrilled to dive deep into the world of bees and their crucial role in our ecosystem.

Our feature article, The Year In Bees, takes a closer look at the remarkable journey of bees throughout the past year. We explore their impact on our environment, the challenges they face, and the steps we can take to ensure their survival and prosperity.

We aim to pack The Hive with informative articles, tips on sustainable living, and updates on Superbee's initiatives to make a positive impact on our planet. Get ready to be inspired, educated, and engaged in the world of sustainability and bee conservation.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the buzz!

Founder and Creative Director, SuperBee
Publisher, The Hive


Bees do have a smell, you know,
and if they don’t they should,
for their feet are dusted with spices
from a million flowers.
-Ray Bradbury


As we buzz into the end of 2023, it's time to reflect on a year that has been incredibly significant for our tiny, yet mighty friends - the bees!

From groundbreaking legislation to innovative conservation efforts, this year has been a hive of activity in the world of apiculture.

Let's dive into the sweet, buzzing world of bees and explore the remarkable stories that made 2023 a memorable year for bee conservation and awareness.


The EPA highlights a staggering 25% rise in garbage from Thanksgiving to New Year's, adding to an already high baseline in the US.

This holiday season, consider gifts that align with sustainable practices.

Sustainable gifts are not only eco-friendly but also often carry a more personal touch. They can range from products that reduce waste to organic items, appealing to various interests, including nature enthusiasts, fashion lovers, and foodies.


Rachel Carson was a marine biologist and conservationist whose work in the mid-20th century changed the way the world viewed environmental conservation. Her book Silent Spring is credited with advancing the global environmental movement. Carson's dedication to exposing the dangers of chemical pesticides and advocating for ecological health makes her one of the most influential environmentalists in history.

Discover more at the Rachel Carson Council.



or to participate.